Interesting article. Where’d you find the four percent statistic? Yes, there’s no doubt the Democratic Party is struggling for a variety of reasons, some self-inflicted and some a result of a toxic culture. In a recent Pew poll, 67% percent of Republicans think Biden’s win was accomplished by fraud. That’s a combination of denial, deceit and sore loser syndrome. Further, another poll showed 72 percent of Republicans feel that they are disadvantaged because they’re white. That’s ludicrous. Finally, in 2017 and 2018 the Republicans held the Presidency and both houses of Congress. Did they pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill to deal with this ongoing issue? A bill never even came to the floor. The Democrats advanced such a bill in 2021. It didn’t get far due to massive Republican opposition. I think Republicans just revel in the immigration issue you identified and do nothing to fix it because it is such a winning wedge issue. Check out the 2015 Republican proposed immigration reform bill (McCain and Romney and Rubio). It’s comprehensive and well conceived. Why have present day Republicans abandoned it? ANSWER: Better to win voters by complaining than actually doing something permanent with legislation.