This is why I so thoroughly enjoy your articles. Where else can I learn about autosarcophagy and the futility of dating apps. I do think that one reason why dating apps are used to find a romantic connection is that as a society we’ve lost so many of our activities that often lubricate interpersonal relationships that can lead to a long term connection. As Robert Putnam said so eloquently in the 2000 book Bowling Alone, there has been a significant reduction in all the forms of in-person social intercourse upon which Americans used to found, educate, and enrich the fabric of their social lives. In 1950 about 4 percent of Americans lived alone. Now it’s close to 16 percent. Dating apps, with all their flaws and blemishes, serve as an initial digital meeting place that can facilitate in-person connections. Finally, if I were to engage in autosarcophagy, I wouldn’t eat my arm. The fingernails might be too crunchy. No, a good thigh flavored with aioli and pickles could be edible.